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December 07, 2007
Alphabet Soup
Title of a press release I just got from The New America Foundation:
PRESS RELEASE: CRFB Urges Adherence to PAYGO on AMT Reform
Well okay then. (Slightly more seriously, the "clean" AMT bill is really crap, and it's all thanks to Republican Party's almost cosmic commitment to fiscal irresponsibility. I could write a long, outraged, blog post about it, but Kevin Drum already has, and the world only needs so many long blog posts about the tax code.)
December 7, 2007 | Permalink
Someone over at Blue Mass Group described the recent MA ballot measure to repeal the entire income tax as "public policy arson" and I think that's what the Republicans are doing. Of course, they're laying the groundwork by building up as much dry tinder as they can first.
(In MA, the movement seems largely due to frustration with the inefficient way state money is spent: lots of old-fashioned graft, lots of stupid policies that waste money, and half-assed public works)
Posted by: Aaron | Dec 8, 2007 4:25:18 PM
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