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November 29, 2007
Well, That Was Fast
by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
Mark Halperin seems to have abandoned his commitment to avoiding horserace journalism rather quickly. Six hundred words on "Why Oprah Won't Help Obama".
Why, Oh Why, Can't We Have a Better Press Corps?
Update: Let me just add that horserace coverage is a very tough habit to kick. I'm still hopeful that Halperin retains some commitment to shifting the basic frame of campaign coverage away from "who is going to win?" and towards "how would a victory by candidate X affect average Americans?". But it's going to take a long time.
November 29, 2007 | Permalink
FWIW, I don't think Halperin was claiming that he'd be abandoning horserace coverage. That's what he does.
The op-ed was his revelation that a candidate who is best at the campaign may not necessarily be the candidate who is best at being President.
But the horserace is still his beat. And a valid beat it is, as long as he recognizes the limitations of that beat.
Posted by: Petey | Nov 29, 2007 4:24:58 PM
Shorter Halperin op-ed:
I was shocked that George Bush's campaign competence didn't translate into administration competence.
Posted by: Petey | Nov 29, 2007 4:26:20 PM
Mark Halperin is a moron, and a gutless, disingenusous moron to boot.
To expect anything worthwhile from him is to invite disappointment of the highest order.
Horsey racing is about all he can wrap his feeble mind around. That and fellating Matt Drudge pretty much exhausts his contribution to "journalism."
Posted by: Klein's tiny left nut | Nov 29, 2007 10:36:28 PM
"Mark Halperin is a moron, and a gutless, disingenusous moron to boot."
If today were opposite day, this would be precisely correct.
Posted by: Petey | Nov 30, 2007 2:03:16 AM
Tom Schaller, on the other hand, really is a moron, and a gutless, disingenusous moron to boot.
Posted by: Petey | Nov 30, 2007 2:06:50 AM
"The op-ed was his revelation that a candidate who is best at the campaign may not necessarily be the candidate who is best at being President."
The fact that he (or you) thinks this is a revelation is troubling.
Petey, what exactly is the opposite of "gutless, disingenuous moron"? Are you saying that Mark Halperin is a gutsy, earnest genius?
Posted by: jmack | Nov 30, 2007 8:07:49 AM
"Are you saying that Mark Halperin is a gutsy, earnest genius?"
Fair enough criticism of the logical extension of my words. But I definitely am a fan of Halperin. I probably wouldn't go with "gutsy, earnest genius", but I do think he's notably sharper than the average bear and has integrity.
Some folks seem to condemn everyone who works the horserace beat. I'm not one of those folks.
Halperin is one of the best on that beat.
Posted by: Petey | Nov 30, 2007 8:44:59 AM
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