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November 21, 2007

That Wacky NLRB

Good column by Harold on the utter disgrace that is George W. Bush's National Labor Relations Board. Bush's nominees have turned the NLRB into a high-concept political satire of the Second Gilded Age. The question is whether anyone will notice their impressive performance, and if, having made their artistic point, they'll be willing to return the Board to its orginal mission, protecting "the exercise by workers of full freedom of association [and] self-organization."


November 21, 2007 | Permalink


In my fever dreams, people remember this crap, and the GOP -- otherwise a defensible party, if not to my taste -- evaporates from this earth like the Whigs or the Sullan Party.

Honestly, and I say this advisedly, fuck them.

Posted by: wcw | Nov 21, 2007 11:26:27 PM

Yet you and I are the two commenters on this story, which is the story of a tragic series of decisions that will affect several million American families, all very close to the edge of financial disaster.

But just two comments. It can't be any clearer that educated liberals feel no alliance with people who work with their backs and their hands.

When they do, look out. But not today. At least O'Reilly actually pretends to care.

Posted by: dollared | Nov 25, 2007 1:52:02 AM

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