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October 30, 2007

Too Close To Home

I'm not sure I want Chris Hayes to write an article on "the notion that the constitutive feature of what it means to be [a blogger] is the desire for recognition." Some things are better left unsaid, you know?

October 30, 2007 | Permalink


I'm not entirely convinced. A fair amount of the time, it is just a place for me to put down the thoughts that crowd me.

Also, I presume he means 'policy-oriented blogger', 'cause there are lots of people doing it for lots of other reasons.

On third thought, I should concede that there are days where I do crave attention.

Posted by: Megan | Oct 30, 2007 2:59:13 PM

I assume that's your wry and subtle way of announcing that this is a blogwhoring thread...so I'll just whore my post about why conservatives like Colbert.

Posted by: Tom Hilton | Oct 30, 2007 3:03:44 PM

"the notion that the constitutive feature of what it means to be [a blogger] is the desire for recognition."

Why shouldn't it be a deliberate carreer step instead? Look at Glenn Greenwald. And Ezra seems to be on the right way to become Krugmann's heir at NYT...

Posted by: Gray | Oct 30, 2007 3:11:53 PM

the constitutive feature of what it means to be [a blogger] is the desire for recognition.

As opposed to what?

Posted by: Stephen | Oct 30, 2007 3:31:36 PM

Ezra seems to be on the right way to become Krugmann's heir at NYT

How f***ing crazy would that be. And yet, not outside the realm of possibility, though the Times doesn't seem to hire whippersnappers.

Posted by: Nicholas Beaudrot | Oct 30, 2007 4:03:22 PM

"How f***ing crazy would that be."

As crazy as the idea of an actor becoming president or that the US are ruled by 'royal families', imho!
Hehehe! Ok, you just destroyed all my colorful fantasies about the fantastic team spirit of the bloggers here...

Posted by: Gray | Oct 30, 2007 4:07:12 PM

"How f***ing crazy would that be."

As crazy as the idea of an actor becoming president or that the US are ruled by 'royal families', imho!
Hehehe! Ok, you just destroyed all my colorful fantasies about the fantastic team spirit of the bloggers here...

Posted by: Gray | Oct 30, 2007 4:11:38 PM

"the constitutive feature of being human is the desire for recognition."

to insinuate the purpose of blogging as a need for adulation and attention... is no moreso than the meaning of a petroglyph, or an artist's need to paint a canvass or a quilter's need to create a quilt.
....the need to convey ideas or emotions to other human beings is as intrinsic to human beings as breathing.
...the term, "here i am" is one of the basic cries of all sentient beings.
whether we are sculpting a pot or writing a blog.
it is a vast reflecting pool for everything that is, and the way in which we individually perceive and interpret the universe.
through our efforts to create and share, is how we find a voice, place and reflection of ourselves in the universe.
...to insinuate that blogging, or any other form of self-expression is mainly about self-aggrandisement or narcissism is to consider the absolute need for creative self-expression at a very shallow level.

Posted by: jacqueline | Oct 30, 2007 4:17:04 PM

Apropos de rien, Ezra, do you have a sister?

Posted by: Gray | Oct 30, 2007 4:44:04 PM

Uh, nevermind, next time I'll use Wikipedia first before asking dumb questions...

Posted by: Gray | Oct 30, 2007 4:46:36 PM

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