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October 14, 2007

Kaus And Affairs

Just so folks are clear, this isn't the first time Mickey Kaus has fastened on an unproven, and likely untrue, story about a Democrat's infidelity and hyped it to high heaven. Anyone remember Alexandra Polier, John Kerry's supposed illicit lover? Kaus had a helluva time with that one, even dredging up six-year-old Boston Herald gossip column articles on women seen in the general vicinity of Kerry. Indeed, long after it was proven false, Kaus was still shaking the tree, trying to use the story not for evidence of Kerry's illicit trysts, but for simple, vague insinuation.

October 14, 2007 | Permalink


I like Atrios' approach better. Start spreading rumors about Kaus. Sooner or later it will make him stop. I wonder how long it will be tomorrow before someone asks him about his affinity for goats.

Posted by: Joe Klein's conscience | Oct 14, 2007 9:18:52 PM

"Just so folks are clear, this isn't the first time Mickey Kaus has fastened on an unproven, and likely untrue, story about a Democrat's infidelity and hyped it to high heaven."

Neither is it Team Clinton's first time.

Uber-Clintonista Chris Lehane was largely responsible for pushing the Kerry affair slander into the press in early 2004.

And now, the Enquirer, the tabloid where the Clinton's have installed two long-time political fixers in positions of power, is the only publication in America willing to print the attempted sliming of Edwards.

The Clintons seem to feel the Democratic Party is a wholly owned corporation of theirs, and that they are allowed to blatantly sleaze and slime other Democrats with no repercussions. I think we're about to discover that they're wrong.

Posted by: Petey | Oct 14, 2007 9:19:47 PM

Petey's right about Lehane pushing the Kerry-intern crap...

As for the National Enquirer, there's an interesting thread at the top of Drudge Retort with a good back and forth in the comments. For people to make up their own minds, imo.

Posted by: Old Hat | Oct 14, 2007 9:36:57 PM

There must be some truth in the Kaus/Goat discussions, because people wouldn't be discussing it unless there was something there. I'm a little confused however whether Kaus sucks goals or fu*ks them - the stories are somewhat inconsistent. But that just proves that one or the other is undoubtedly true.

And he hasn't denied any of the stories, or if he denies them, there won't be sincere in any case. Evidence of guilt, surely.

Posted by: JimPortlandOR | Oct 14, 2007 9:49:55 PM

sorry, type above: should be: Kaus sucks goats

Posted by: JimPortlandOR | Oct 14, 2007 9:51:28 PM


Kaus couldn't get laid if he was packing $50,000 in cash and a peck of whatever it is that goats eat -- well that's pretty much everything. Even hookers and goats draw the line somewhere.

Kaus should have been read out of respectable company a long time ago. I refuse to even look at Slate while he remains there. He's a repulsive little motherfucker with an ugly mind and the face to match it.

Posted by: Klein's tiny left nut | Oct 14, 2007 10:07:23 PM

"As for the National Enquirer, there's an interesting thread at the top of Drudge Retort with a good back and forth in the comments. For people to make up their own minds, imo."

It's just a coincidence that the one publication in America willing to run with the story is partially owned by disgraced Clinton political fixer Roger Altman and represented by long-term Clinton lawyer David Kendall?

I think this is a pretty open and shut case.

The Clintons have spent the past few years obsessively trying to gain control of the Enquirer and other tabloid chains, and have partially succeeded. It's always been thought that using them for things like this was one of the main reasons they wanted control of the tabloid chains.

Posted by: Petey | Oct 14, 2007 10:17:15 PM

This certainly explains his breath. He told me he had just gone down on Ann Coulter, but I was smelling feta not limberger.

Still sex at in my condition is kind of surprising when it doesn't involve cats so what the hell. I don't know you folks are so damned prude.

Posted by: Ann Althouse | Oct 14, 2007 10:25:18 PM

Edwards is such a phony concoction, I would be surprised if he DIDN'T sink even one step lower.

A fraudulent ambulance-chaser charlatan living off hedge-fund revenues kicking poor people out of sub-prime mortgages, and we're supposed to cut this media-whore a break?

Posted by: daveinboca | Oct 14, 2007 10:25:58 PM

Hey daveinboca, I see Mickey is on your blogroll. Are you the person that has been rumored to be sharing mutton with Mickey? Are you the nanny or the billy?

Posted by: jerry | Oct 14, 2007 10:39:55 PM

I am a bit confused in that I followed links back and found a story in the "national enquirer". Isn't the enquirer one of the supermarket tabloids? Tabloids as in goat boys, alien babies, and the rapture next tuesday? How did a story go from there to "mainstream discourse"?

Are we discussing next tuesday's rapture in Ezra's next post? WTF?

Posted by: greg | Oct 14, 2007 11:43:48 PM

I am a bit confused in that I followed links back and found a story in the "national enquirer". Isn't the enquirer one of the supermarket tabloids? Tabloids as in goat boys, alien babies, and the rapture next tuesday? How did a story go from there to "mainstream discourse"?

Are we discussing next tuesday's rapture in Ezra's next post? WTF?

Posted by: greg | Oct 14, 2007 11:43:59 PM

I am a bit confused in that I followed links back and found a story in the "national enquirer". Isn't the enquirer one of the supermarket tabloids? Tabloids as in goat boys, alien babies, and the rapture next tuesday? How did a story go from there to "mainstream discourse"?

Are we discussing next tuesday's rapture in Ezra's next post? WTF?

Posted by: greg | Oct 14, 2007 11:44:15 PM

"I am a bit confused in that I followed links back and found a story in the "national enquirer". Isn't the enquirer one of the supermarket tabloids?"

It's not just any supermarket tabloid. It's a tabloid currently owned by a long-time Clinton political fixer who resigned from the administration in disgrace...


The Clintons had a lot of trouble with the tabloids in 1992 due to stories that turned out to be substantially true.

The lesson they took from that was to try to gain control of the tabloids and use them to destroy other Democratic politicians by planting false stories.

Posted by: Petey | Oct 15, 2007 12:02:34 AM

The lesson they took from that was to try to gain control of the tabloids and use them to destroy other Democratic politicians by planting false stories.

Which is a shame. The Enquirer has (had?) a reputation for being extraorindarily accurate-- the only catch was that the news they reported on tended to be rather trivial. It was known to be a good accurate source of celebrity/political gossip.

Posted by: Tyro | Oct 15, 2007 12:38:22 AM

You know, they really shouldn't let a baby raper like Kaus continue to have a national forum.

Posted by: LarryM | Oct 15, 2007 12:51:28 AM

I hear Hillary Clinton had Batboy killed because he wouldn't cooperate. Apparently Chelsea got some of the partners at McKinsey to suffocate Batboy with a burlap bag.

Posted by: jerry | Oct 15, 2007 1:05:11 AM

Shortly after 9/11 Hillary started her Anthrax attacks, sent via the mail room at the National Enquirer. That's how the photographer there caught it, and died from it.

And then in 2003, at Christmas, she sent Mickey Kaus two dozen frozen veal. In 2004 at Christmas, it was a Nigerian Dwarf from Heifer.org sent via Sidney Blumenthal. The rest as we know is history. Disgusting history, but history. Since Kaus is Jewish this was outrageous behavior.

It's always der Clinton's fault.

Posted by: jerry | Oct 15, 2007 1:09:57 AM

Even hookers and goats draw the line somewhere (@ 10:07:23 PM)

Goat hookers, however ...

Posted by: Ellie | Oct 15, 2007 2:24:35 AM

Kaus' failure to deny the allegations is sure to keep the Goatgate story in the public eye.

Posted by: Johnny Pez | Oct 15, 2007 2:51:20 AM

When Kaus isn't courting goats, he's sniffing underwear drawers. He really is a nasty little fantasist, and since too many people with bylines have tolerated his media presence, it's up to those people to declare him persona non grata.

Posted by: pseudonymous in nc | Oct 15, 2007 3:06:46 AM

Kaus has a response up to Yglesias which fascinatingly seems to depend on the concept of the Enquirer's "institutional pride", believe it or not.

I frankly hadn't believed the goat fucker charges before this, but now I'm beginning to think Mickey really does fuck goats.

Posted by: Petey | Oct 15, 2007 3:51:06 AM

Only when he can catch the poor unfortunates.

Posted by: Klein's tiny left nut | Oct 15, 2007 6:54:01 AM

Does the term "Clintonista" make anyone else laugh?
Every time I read that term, I crack up.

Posted by: merlallen | Oct 15, 2007 7:19:21 AM

Will "Billy Gate" bring down formerly respected writer Mickey Kaus? What a fascinating turn of events. Shocking, if true.

Posted by: Kuz | Oct 15, 2007 8:04:47 AM

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