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July 26, 2007

Spring Training For Universal Health Care

Congress will spend much of this month debate a reauthorization and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). Over at The Prospect, I have a column explaining the subtext of that debate, and how the Bush administration has unwittingly made it a testing ground for universal health care:

it is rather hard to oppose fully funding the program that covers uninsured children. So the White House has decided to make this a referendum on government-provided health care instead. This decision is a godsend to Democrats, who should contentedly accept Bush's willingness to equate health care for children with public health care, and allow this to become exactly as grand a battle as Bush appears willing to make it.

Bush, after all, is not a man unacquainted with the wonders of government care. As the San Francisco Chronicle's David Lazarus has noted, this steadfast opposition to public care is "coming from a man who just underwent a colonoscopy performed at the taxpayer-funded, state-of-the-art medical facility at Camp David by an elite team of doctors from the taxpayer-funded National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md." It might be worth it for the Democrats to ask why he should receive such gold-plated care from the government, but the nation's uninsured children should be barred from public coverage.

It might also behoove them to ask why the GOP appears so afraid of public competition. S-CHIP, after all, is not a compulsory program. It is open to those who qualify, but only extended to those who sign up. Any family who believes that private insurance would do better by lil' Johnny can send away for Aetna with nary a word from a bureaucrat. What scares Bush and his financial backers is that they won't.

Read the rest.

July 26, 2007 | Permalink


I'm not a supremely religious man and I don't use the phrase "going to burn in hell" often in relation to politics. But if there is a God, I'd imagine that denying health care to children because of an abstract belief in the free market is an easy ticket to Hell.

Posted by: Phil | Jul 26, 2007 10:52:26 AM

Does your version of "competition" entail government funds subsidizing the cost of insurance or just selling an insurance product?

Posted by: Alex | Jul 26, 2007 10:56:12 AM

I'm paraphrasing, but you say that the additional funding is to cover S-CHIP's current promises. Because of a lack of funding, some kids who qualify are not enrolled because their isn't enough money. How can this be possible? If you qualify based on poverty guidelines, or whatever, the program cannot turn you away by saying, "sorry, we can't afford it" right? Do the states pick up the rest of the tab? If that's what you mean, you should make it clear that the Federal portion of funding is not fulfilling its promise.

Posted by: Andrew | Jul 26, 2007 3:03:51 PM

If the states are so hard up for money for CHIP, then why did they EXPAND ENROLLMENT to cover fucking adults for their CHIP programs over the last few years?

As usual, this is a state money grab an dnothing else. They diverted funds AWAY from kids and then have the audacity to blame the federal govt for "underfunding" CHIP

Open your eyes people.

Posted by: joe blow | Jul 26, 2007 4:03:46 PM

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