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June 02, 2007

Import Alert: Put Down That ToothAntifreeze Paste!

[by litbrit] Taking a hiatus from my hiatus, I'm popping into the blogosphere for a moment to urge everyone to look closely at his toothpaste tube this morning: if there is any mention of it having been imported from China--or if it's one of the brands specifically mentioned by the FDA in their latest warning--you're strongly advised to avoid using it, as it may contain diethylene glycol (also known as antifreeze):

Consumers were advised yesterday to discard all toothpaste made in China after federal health officials said they found Chinese-made toothpaste containing a poison used in some antifreeze in three locations: Miami, the Port of Los Angeles and Puerto Rico.

Although there are no reports of anyone being harmed by the toothpaste, the Food and Drug Administration warned that the Chinese products had a “low but meaningful risk of toxicity and injury” to children and people with kidney or liver disease.

The United States is the seventh country to find tainted Chinese toothpaste within its borders in recent weeks.

Agency officials said they found toothpaste containing a small amount of diethylene glycol, a sweet, syrupy poison, at a Dollar Plus retail store in Miami, sold under the brand name ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste.

The F.D.A. also identified nine other brands of Chinese toothpaste that contain diethylene glycol, some with concentrations of 3 percent to 4 percent.

You can see the entire list of adulterated (and potentially-adulterated) brands here.

Adding insult to injury (let us not forget the countless number of human beings around the world, many of them children, who died after ingesting diethylene glycol-adulterated cough syryp) is the cavalier attitude of Chinese officials.  Here, as they say, is the money quote:

Over the years, counterfeiters have found it profitable to substitute diethylene glycol for its chemical cousin, glycerin, which is usually more expensive. Glycerin is a safe additive commonly found in food, drugs and household products. In toothpaste, glycerin is used as a thickening agent.

Chinese regulators said Thursday that their investigation of toothpaste manufacturers there had found they had done nothing wrong. Chinese officials also said that while small amounts of diethylene glycol could be safely used in toothpaste, new controls would be imposed on its use in toothpaste.

The F.D.A. said diethylene glycol in any amount was not suitable for use in toothpaste.

Question: why does the United States afford Most Favored Nation trading status to a country that not only places a lower value on safety--indeed, on human life--than we do, but is quite bald-faced in its admission of same?  Chinese officials also said that while small amounts of diethylene glycol could be safely used in toothpaste...(!)  I mean, I'd much rather see our government get tough on all imports from all countries, requiring that, at a minimum, U.S. health and safety standards be met--and instituting severe penalties, up to and including full-on embargoes, if necessary--than have to witness the kind of slavish genuflection we've been seeing America perform at the altar of free trade lo these recent months.

Antifreeze in toothpaste?  For the love of all that is sane, FDA, put a stop to all Chinese food and drug imports until such time as that nation's officials can demonstrate, provably, that they take health and safety standards seriously--at least as seriously as American families, if not American regulatory agencies, are taking all this.

Also at Shakesville.

June 2, 2007 | Permalink


How come we haven't heard squat about this from our Democratic candidates?

How come we haven't heard squat about this from "our netroots?" (Your excellent posts aside.)

This is an issue of health, of food safety, and of trade policy.

These are supposed to be Democratic issues and values. Our conservative and libertarian friends are all about laissez faire, and efficient markets, and free markets and free trade, and a few dead dogs and dead people will create it's own market correction.

Free Trade! Cleanup on Aisle One!

Posted by: jerry | Jun 2, 2007 12:24:33 PM

"Chinese officials also said that while small amounts of diethylene glycol could be safely used in toothpaste, new controls would be imposed on its use in toothpaste."

Well, they just executed a guy. So maybe an Important Somebody's Cousin is responsible here.

Posted by: bob mcmanus | Jun 2, 2007 12:38:19 PM

"Question: why does the United States afford Most Favored Nation trading status to a country that not only places a lower value on safety--indeed, on human life--than we do, but is quite bald-faced in its admission of same?"

Agreed. The MFN should be withdrawn and only returned when China cleans up their act.

And this time, it just might stick. Human rights violations can be argued down with a simple rhetorical turn of the pro-Free Trade talking point. Consumer health violations that are condoned by a foreign government are a completely different animal.

Posted by: Off Colfax | Jun 2, 2007 1:49:34 PM

it is so nice to welcome the appearance of litbrit.
i was thinking of you, when i read about this in the news the other day.
we could throw away our toothpaste, and just use baking soda, but who knows, we probably import cheap soda ash also...and who knows what is mixed into the sodium carbonate?
sheer madness.
it seems as though we live in a parallel universe...
in one universe, there is concern about our food supply, the survival of bee colonies, the integrity of our environment...but in this other world, these are just whispers, as we conjure and chase paper tigers instead of finding ways of dealing with real threats, and really working toward a safer world.
....an assault on reason, health, sanity and well-being. maybe al gore will still run for president, and then the world wont seem so surreal.
....i just saw some honey bees on a hawthorn bush....
just quietly and busily doing their work to foster beauty and life on earth...unlike many of their human counterparts.
i always feel heartened and momentarily reassured when i see them. there is still hope.

Posted by: jacqueline | Jun 2, 2007 4:36:29 PM

China seems to be reading your posts, litbrit.

Posted by: Sanpete | Jun 7, 2007 3:10:51 AM

To know more the import & export search :http://google.com/coop/cse?cx=007002915817646528976%3Aag8fy7djpz8

Posted by: jaack | Aug 10, 2007 7:57:49 AM

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