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November 18, 2006

Here's What Class Warfare Looks Like

Among the most darkly grotesquely absurdities of contemporary political life is that class warfare is used to describe marginal tax increases for rich people and calls for mild redistribution to the working class. Here's what it actually means. These are janitors in Houston who make $20 a day with no health insurance. Their labor is physical, the chance for workplace injuries massive, and the desire for better conditions natural. So they struck. And the police came in with horses.

For those curious, horses are used for two reasons: The first is the enhanced visibility their height offers police. The second is because they're animals, not machines. Implicit in the use of the horse is that it is not fully in the officers control and could, at any time, take one errant step and crush you. They terrify in a way motorcycles or, say, stilts, don't. True to form, the horses trampled scores of the strikers, injuring a handful, including an 83-year-old man. The protest was broken and 44 janitors were arrested. Guess how that went:

when we got to jail, we were pretty beat up. Not all of us got the medical attention we needed. The worst was a protester named Julia, who is severely diabetic. We kept telling the guards about her condition but they only gave her a piece of candy. During roll call, she started to complain about light-headedness. Finally she just collapsed unconscious on the floor. It was like she just dropped dead. The guard saw it but just kept going through the roll. Susan ran over there and took her pulse while the other inmates were yelling for help, saying we need to call somebody. The medical team strolled over, taking their own sweet time. She was unconscious for like 4 or 5 minutes.

They really tried to break us down. The first night they put the temperature so high that a woman—one of the other inmates—had a seizure. The second night they made it freezing and took away many of our blankets. We didn’t have access to the cots so we had to sleep on a concrete floor. When we would finally fall asleep the guards would come and yell ‘Are you Anna Denise Solís? Are you so and so?’ One of the protesters had a fractured wrist from the horses. She had a cast on and when she would fall asleep the guard would kick the cast to wake her up. She was in a lot of pain.

The guards would tell us: ‘This is what you get for protesting.’ One of them said, ‘Who gives a shit about janitors making 5 dollars an hour? Lots of people make that much.’ The other inmates—there were a lot of prostitutes in there—said that they had never seen the jail this bad. The guards told them: ‘We’re trying to teach the protesters a lesson.’

That's what class warfare looks like. Support the Houston Janitors.

November 18, 2006 in Labor | Permalink


This may sound cynical, but I suspect that these brutal tactics may have just won the strike for the janitors. Huge misstep by the cops, strategically (and morally, of course).

Posted by: stuck working | Nov 18, 2006 6:53:49 PM

I doubt it.

Cynical, perhaps, but honestly: no.

Nobody cares.

Posted by: wcw | Nov 18, 2006 7:03:22 PM

If only those janitors were more educated! More retraining programs! Globalization made the cops do it because the world is flat!

Posted by: Tom Friedman | Nov 18, 2006 7:03:40 PM

It seems that Ezra likes to show heavy handed police in an effort to create sympathy for those break the law. And that is all this is about. Heavy handed police.

These people still broke the law. That is why the police were there in the first place.

Posted by: Fred Jones | Nov 18, 2006 7:32:24 PM

Goodness! I've never felt so proud to be part of a Union in the *cough* month that I've been a Union Man. Glad to know my dues are going (presumably) to bail those guys out...

Would you please cite whoever you're quoting? I'd love to read the full article...

Posted by: Andrew Cory | Nov 18, 2006 7:36:42 PM

Interesting to see that the lessons in jail management from Gitmo are starting to seep to local law enforcement level. What's next, systematic tasing of protesters?

Posted by: kvenlander | Nov 18, 2006 7:53:29 PM

I hope the next time Fred exceeds the speed limit, he gets pulled over and the has living crap beat out of him. I mean the works. Pistol whipping. Maybe penetration with a night stick. Sure, the tactics may be heavy handed, but the reason the cop is there in the first place will be because Fred broke the law, and his law breaking is what's really important.

Posted by: Seitz | Nov 18, 2006 7:58:50 PM

The link for the testimony is to this MyDD post.

It's all scarily familiar to this ex-pat Brit.

Regards, Cernig @ Newshog

Posted by: Cernig | Nov 18, 2006 8:34:21 PM

The strikers of the teens, twenties and thirties had an answer -- thousands of ordinary marbles.

Posted by: Davis X. Machina | Nov 18, 2006 8:42:05 PM

Helluva week. Bush's "never quit" lesson from Vietanm, UCLA taser... Houston trampling... and to top it off Gonzales declares that opposing warrantless wiretapping "is itself a grave threat to the liberty and security of the American people. Much work for all of us and for the Dems in the next Congress. We're still at the beginning of the beginning.

Posted by: Mickeleh | Nov 18, 2006 8:57:46 PM


Posted by: Ezra | Nov 18, 2006 9:51:08 PM

Nice to know our courts aren't needed to determine guilt and punishment anymore - saves money!.

Fred's 'type' thinks the police now perform that function, and should also 'teach them a lesson' (before they are even charged in court). Maybe we could save on prisons by just shooting all that the police arrest. Wouldn't that be great, baby Freddie? How about beheading the bodies like they do in 'democratic Iraq', so troublesome ID's can't be made? The GOP can stack the skulls like they did in Cambodia, as a warning to 'librul' folks of what is ahead - Bush-II's Presidential library would be a good spot for the skulls. The remainder of the bodies could be sent to "Work Makes You Free" camps (built by Halliburton) for reduction to dust in the ovens.

Since brown isn't popular anymore for shirt colors, so the Fred's of the world should conduct a poll of the GOP fascista to find out what shirt-color they want to adopt. Red is obviously out - odors of COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM. So is blue, for other obvious reasons. Green is out, since that would cause heart attacks and brain strokes among the faithful in the GOP.

Purple/violet/pink wouldn't seem to be superficially obvious as a good choice (except maybe the Foleys and Haggards of the GOP may be pointing the way.) The biggest brutes in 1930's Germany were the gay ones in the brownshirts, ya know, like the Mehlman's and other top Rethug staff of GOP congressmen and executive branch officials.

Actually, I think yellow (as in coward) best applies to the party that thinks American military lives can be wasted by those who've been chanting 'stay the course', and hide not only from the whole of the American people but also from foreigners while abroad - GOP Rethugs only, please, in the Presence of Our Leader. Fascist ass-lickers, welcome, of course.

I guess black is another color choice for our GOP fascista, to match the hue of their reality-denying, constitution-overriding, democracy-ignoring hearts. Anarchy is what they are bringing to the world, so that would not be a bad choice.

How about a compromise: yellow and black strips?

(and ya, I'm fuckin fed up with totalitarian Rethuglican overthrow of our democracy.)

Posted by: JimPortlandOR | Nov 18, 2006 9:51:27 PM

I read also that the court set bail for the arrested strikers at $39 million - an astonishing $888,888 each ($500 is the normal sum, apparently) - nice to know this country is taking care of its labor-relations issues in the usual manner.

Posted by: Jay C | Nov 18, 2006 9:59:17 PM

"The strikers of the teens, twenties and thirties had an answer -- thousands of ordinary marbles."

Effective, maybe, but the wrong target. You'll wind up getting a lot of horses killed when they fall and break their legs.

Horses don't like to trample anything but snakes. Horses racing at full speed, jumping at steeplechases, and ordinary ol' trail horses will twist in mid-stride and mid-air to avoid someone on the ground.

You've got to train a horse pretty ruthlessly to overcome that instinctive avoidance. And probably be pretty ruthless with the leg commands and spurs to get them to actually do it.

It's the cops that committed the atrocities. Not the horses.

I'm all in favor of suing the shit out of the police department; of massive protests, of a work stoppage.

But leave the horses alone.

Posted by: CaseyL | Nov 18, 2006 10:05:40 PM

Remember Texas is a Republican State and Shrub was Governator here...Republican values means keeping the poor down - they don't deserve the money, 'cause the CEO's of Houston corporate and city offices are busy spending it. This is typical Texas B.S.

Posted by: Geoman | Nov 18, 2006 10:07:18 PM

May I say that not all Freds are alike.

Posted by: Fred | Nov 18, 2006 10:34:35 PM

God damn Texas. That state has never been anything except a blight upon the Union.

Posted by: Barry | Nov 18, 2006 10:47:07 PM

the court set bail for the arrested strikers at $39 million

Does this raise an 8th amendment issue?

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Nov 18, 2006 11:16:31 PM

BTW, according to the site the injured 83-year-old was a woman.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Nov 18, 2006 11:18:57 PM

This is as low as our esteemed country is allowed to sink, okay? No lower; only up from here.

An 83-year-old woman shouldn't even be working. Much less scubbing toilets and hauling trash. And doing it without health insurance. And having to march in the street to make the point that she and her colleagues bloody need health insurance. And getting trampled in the process. Jesus.

We are no longer allowed to call America a civilized nation, a fucking developed nation--not until these travesties are addressed. And not just in Houston.

Posted by: litbrit | Nov 18, 2006 11:39:57 PM

"The second is because they're animals, not machines. Implicit in the use of the horse is that it is not fully in the officers control and could, at any time, take one errant step and crush you."

How do you know this? Did you learn in it at the police academy? Did you read it in an article by someone with experience in crowd control? Or did you make it up?

Posted by: JR | Nov 19, 2006 12:28:21 AM

"The second is because they're animals, not machines. Implicit in the use of the horse is that it is not fully in the officers control and could, at any time, take one errant step and crush you."

How do you know this? Did you learn in it at the police academy? Did you read it in an article by someone with experience in crowd control? Or did you make it up?

Posted by: JR | Nov 19, 2006 12:29:07 AM

It'll get really interesting when the folks who got their rights trampled exercise their 2nd amendment right to take up arms.

Posted by: jbou | Nov 19, 2006 2:41:27 AM

You're specializing in getting my blood boiling this week, Erza. I'm sending a small donation to their strike fund, and it'll feel a whole lot better than any of those donations I gave political candidates.

Posted by: djw | Nov 19, 2006 5:15:36 AM

$20 a day? How can this be Ezra? There's a federal minimum wage isn't there? $42.80 or so for an 8 hour day?

Please, don't shatter my illusions: tell me that passing a law really works!

Posted by: Tim Worstall | Nov 19, 2006 5:42:24 AM

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