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October 02, 2006
Why He Gets Paid The Big Bucks
Shorter Sebastian Mallaby: Because Democrats disagree with my ideas, they are the party of no ideas.
October 2, 2006 | Permalink
I love how the torture bill, the only real Democratic lack of principle, is a few sentences...whereas social security deserves 5 or 6 paragraphs. That let me scratching my head.
Posted by: Xanthippas | Oct 2, 2006 12:42:16 PM
As I read it, Sebastian's argument is that after 12 years in the House and 6 years in the Senate, the Republicans have shown that they don't deserve to be the Majority Party.
However, after 6 years without a majority in either chamber and without the WH bully pulpit, the Democrats haven't shown an ability to act like an effective Majority party either.
Because, after all, he focuses on an instance where a Social Security reform from the Republicans that is supposed to have enough Democrat-bait to split their resolve as an effective opposition fails ... if he wanted to point to their problems being the Minority party, the column would have focused on the McCain's Torture Bill.
So therefore "it's hard to see what they will do with" a Majority.
I've got a simpler approach, a legacy of my father and his earlier exposure to High Plain's populism. If in doubt, kick the bums out. Repeat every two years.
There are, without a doubt, more bums than otherwise putting themselves forward as candidates for either party, and so its necessary to cycle through them as fast as possible before you get a keeper.
Posted by: BruceMcF | Oct 2, 2006 2:00:25 PM
Gee shorter Sebastian Mallaby to me is: Because Democrats oppose gutting social security they have no ideas.
Posted by: Col Bat Guano | Oct 2, 2006 5:07:30 PM
He starts off complaining about how Democrats don't stand up for their beliefs, then moves immediately into complaining about how Democrats are standing up for Social Security by refusing to open it up to changes that, given the current people in power in Congress and the White House, would inevitably result in its destruction.
Posted by: KCinDC | Oct 2, 2006 8:24:45 PM
The funny thing is the Mallaby - at least on the debates on Zakaria's show - was known as the guy who just wanted to add on private accounts to Social Security without gutting it a la Bush. Now the fact that the Democrats are closer to his thinking is somehow bad? The sad thing is he's one of the better conservative-leaning columnists in the MSM.
Posted by: Reality Man | Oct 3, 2006 12:18:11 AM
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