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October 24, 2006

What The Experts Say

In a sort of shadow prognostication industry, during election season, various statisticians and political scientists create models predicting the winner. Most of the time, these models come disturbingly close, casting doubt on the need for these "election" thingies at all. In 2004, they predicted a slight win for Bush. And in 2006, well:

Via computer simulation based on statistical analysis of historical data, we show how generic vote polls can be used to forecast the election outcome. We convert the results of generic vote polls into a projection of the actual national vote for Congress and ultimately into the partisan division of seats in the House of Representatives. Our model allows both a point forecast—our expectation of the seat division between Republicans and Democrats—and an estimate of the probability of partisan control. Based on current generic ballot polls, we forecast an expected Democratic gain of 32 seats with Democratic control (a gain of 18 seats or more) a near certainty.

Meanwhile, the InTrade betting odds are putting a retention of GOP House control at 33%. All the usual disclaimers apply, but things would have to go mighty awry for this election to slip through the left's fingers.

October 24, 2006 | Permalink


I'm still not that optimistic. If we take the House rankings and look at only seats where polls have shown a consistent lead for Democrats, I count only 12. Now, there are 18-35 Democratic seats, and they'd only need to win 4 or 5 to take control, but there aren't any guarantees at the moment.

Posted by: Nicholas Beaudrot | Oct 24, 2006 2:46:34 PM

"The Left?" What Left might that be? I thought we were talking about the Democratic Party? If you think that the Democratic Party is "the Left" your brain has been colonized by Rush Limbaugh and there is no hope for you.

Posted by: JR | Oct 24, 2006 2:56:41 PM

In what way do "the left" and Democrats resemble each other? Seriously.

Posted by: craigie | Oct 24, 2006 3:29:35 PM

Dudes above, to the extent there is politics to the left of Ezra, we need to make it visible to him. A part of it, the feminist left, has made a effort and achieved results. There also global warming and energy sites on my blogroll. A very few academic Marxians and Theory dudes. If there are socialist bloggers, let them comment and link and attract attention with interesting content.
I seem to get empty-headed and withdrawn immediately before elections. I am neither optimistic or pessimistic, trust no polls, don't want to get emotionally invested, etc. I'll be back.

Posted by: bob mcmanus | Oct 24, 2006 3:41:52 PM

Can they tell me who will get the Senate? Please?

Posted by: Sam L. | Oct 24, 2006 3:48:47 PM

Senate goes (R), almost for sure. If it doesn't, the Dem's might take more than thirty seats in the House. The House, I argue, either stays (R) with about a 12-seat (D) gain, or goes 30+ (D) in the big wave folks like Cook have been predicting. I base my analysis on studies like Kastellec et al's (PDF) and Krugman's and Krugman's (TS, $). As a shortcut, see this chart or this one, respectively (both PNG).

Long story short, gerrymandering works really, really well -- until it doesn't, and all bets are off. It's my bet that just enough voters will respond to the advertising blitz and their traditional loyalties to keep (D) votes across the board at or below the 52% where the party starts to stand a chance of taking the House.

And yeah, it's unfair that the party needs ~55% of the voters to be mostly certain it will actually have a House majority. Them's the breaks in a winner-take-all, gerrymandered country.

Posted by: wcw | Oct 24, 2006 4:03:30 PM

The Democrats will not get the House. Your democracy is broken.

Posted by: Phoenician in a time of Romans | Oct 24, 2006 5:14:12 PM

Well, if the New Jersey Supreme Court finds that gay marriage is constitutionally protected, then all bets are off.

Posted by: JR | Oct 24, 2006 6:07:20 PM

don't undersell the dems' ability to fuck up a sure thing. and I say this as a democrat. the kerry et al hoarding campaign funds in a time of real potential for a working democratic majority is just the latest example of how short-sighted and self-interested the party's reps are.

my fingers are crossed, though. and for the record, I think pelosi's done an excellent job. a quantum leap beyond the dithering of everybody's favorite brontasaurus dick gephardt.

Posted by: mencken | Oct 24, 2006 7:43:33 PM

"The InTrade betting odds are putting a retention of GOP House control at 33%."

But I think what is still truly amazing to me at least is to look at how the probability of the GOP retention of House Control has fallen from 60% 2 weeks ago approx to 33.1% today.

You can see a chart of the development of the intrade prediction market odds here.


Posted by: anna f | Oct 25, 2006 1:29:02 AM


Posted by: anna f | Oct 25, 2006 1:30:28 AM

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Posted by: JEROGatch | Oct 28, 2006 1:42:26 AM

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