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October 30, 2006

This Story Shall The Good Werewolf Teach His Son

By Neil the Ethical Werewolf

I'm pretty thrilled about the fact that I'm going to be spending the week leading up to Election Day in Ohio as a volunteer for Victoria Wulsin.  Nicholas, if I remember correctly, is going down to Tennessee to help Harold Ford.  If things go right, helping out in this election will be the sort of thing that you'll be allowed to get a little St. Crispin's Day about in the future.

But if you want to "stand a tip-toe when the day is named" years hence, you don't have to travel far. Consider the Call for Change program at MoveOn.  They've identified Democrats in key areas who usually don't get around to voting in midterm elections, but who might do so if somebody just called and asked them.  If your cellular plan has free evening or weekend minutes, take advantage!

And if you're looking to send off a little cash, here's the ActBlue page one last time.  Everything about it has completely blown away expectations.  Wulsin, Trauner, and Grant were regarded as total long shots back when I first mentioned them, but recent polling has them all within the margin of error and a panicked Republican Party spending money in their districts.  The folks who I'm the most amazed by, though, are you guys, who threw in over $5000!  I never imagined that so many people would answer the call. 

Last, if you've got a blog of your own, time is getting short to help out with the MyDD Googlebombing campaign. Back at my blog, I've followed Chris' instructions and put the code in the template so it shows up on every page.  Bombs away!

October 30, 2006 | Permalink


Speaking of Tennessee, I voted there on Saturday.

Wondering why that exit poll nonsense does not start until the last day of voting, even in the modern States like Tennessee?

Posted by: Guy Montag | Oct 30, 2006 5:40:43 AM

Hmmmm...However this election works out, I don't think the 2006 midterm elections will go down as the equivalent of Agincourt.

Posted by: Dave Justus | Oct 30, 2006 2:30:55 PM

"I'm pretty thrilled about the fact that I'm going to be spending the week leading up to Election Day in Ohio as a volunteer for Victoria Wulsin."

Good choice of a district. It'd be one of the sweeter victories of the night, and she needs the help.

Posted by: Petey | Oct 30, 2006 9:39:39 PM

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