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October 05, 2006


You think the World of Warcrafters writing these indignant corrections ever stopped to reflect on how astonishingly stereotypical they were being?

October 5, 2006 | Permalink


But they were not portraying the game properly dammit!! And while were on the subject of such accuracies, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie wasn't in line with the novel. And I don't care if every incarnation of the story is different (i.e. the comic book, the radio series, the BBC television series, the adventure game etc.) the movie should have followed the novel. And I don't care that millions of people who had never heard of Warcraft saw it on SP and some of them will check it out and play it, I want purity, dammit!!! Come to think of it, V for Vendetta the movie, didn't have the dismembered, decapitated corpses, hanging from hooks, that the graphic novel did - oh, the inhumanity.

It seems I missed what might have been an amusing SP. I don't generaly find it very amusing anymore but they do occasionaly make some funny episodes, I might actually watch that one. I often feel that way when I hear people whine about inaccuracies in film or tee vee.

Posted by: DuWayne | Oct 5, 2006 11:39:49 AM

Well have you ever stopped to reflect on how it is impossible to equip a Firestorm Blade as a Level 26 Paladin?

I rest my case.

Posted by: tps12 | Oct 5, 2006 11:59:56 AM

For someone that lectures the media to stop describing blogs based on comment-trolls, I really can think of no idea why you care about this.

Posted by: Tony v | Oct 5, 2006 12:20:45 PM

Just out of interest, Ezra, how did you as a non-WoW-player like the episode? Most of the hardcore players seemed to like it if they could get over the inconsistencies. (Yes, there are no human hunters in the game. Deal.) As someone hearing the words "Elwynn" and "Arathi" for the first time, was it any good?

I'm extending this question to any non-gamers who watched the episode.

Posted by: Kylroy | Oct 5, 2006 12:47:58 PM

The human hunter thing can be excused by the fact that half the time Blizzard forgets hunters even exist.

Doesn't excuse the fact that Clyde could have very easily played WoW and looked at the Playboy at the same time. How hard is it to hit two buttons every ten seconds?

Posted by: Regault | Oct 5, 2006 11:26:36 PM

I wonder if Matt & Trey deliberately misrepresented the game just to get these reactions.

Accurate in particulars or not, the weird part about the episode is how it doesn't seem very sure what it is indicting--obsessive players or Blizzard for making an ultimately predatory game that works a lot like a casino. Obviously Blizzard provided significant cooperation, so it can't be too hostile, but the episode softly hints at the worst parts of the game:

* players are in a competition to play the game more than others to thereby gain unsurmountable advantages against other players

* the part of the game where you level up your character and get new gear is extremely repetitive

* aside from becoming more powerful, there's nothing else to do in the game

Posted by: apantomimehorse | Oct 6, 2006 6:17:32 PM

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