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November 26, 2005

All Dressed Up, No Place To Go

By Neil the Ethical Werewolf

So I'm looking at the front page of Pajamas Media (happily renamed away from OSM) now, and the current panel discussion is headlined: What should Pajamas Media be?  Questions of this kind are usually answered before you get $3.5 million in venture capital funding.  But since they're thinking about it, I'll make a suggestion:  Pajamas Media should be a blog whose news aggregator isn't fed in part by the Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese government's propaganda arm.  For that matter, is there any reason why you'd want your blog to have a news aggregator?  Are you under the impression that political junkies hardcore enough to read your blog will settle on it as their one-stop-shop for news?  (No, but the venture capital guys are.  And they like the phrase "one-stop-shop" almost as much as they like "open source".) 

This is the point in the post where snark should give way to intelligent thought.  Unfortunately, I don't have any intelligent thoughts to offer.  So let me refer you to Laura Turner, who does. 

November 26, 2005 in Media | Permalink


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Tracked on Dec 19, 2005 12:49:19 PM


Pajamas Media should be a blog whose news aggregator isn't fed in part by the Xinhua News Agency

Or at least not fed MOSTLY by Xinhua ... that's just weird.

Also, as others have pointed out, their logo is a robe, not pajamas.

Posted by: Dadahead | Nov 26, 2005 3:52:18 AM

Neil, why'd you remove your comment from Laura Turner's blog?

Posted by: SimoneDB | Nov 26, 2005 8:53:07 AM

Simone, I probably should've left it. But I felt that the comment was such that comment+link=redundancy. Again, this was probably wrong. Basically, the comment was like, "awesome post! yeah!"

Posted by: Neil the Ethical Werewolf | Nov 26, 2005 9:13:00 AM

Well I left a comment, and it had to do with this jaw dropper by Tammy Bruce

"One thing Leftist leadership has going for it, is that it doesn't give a damn what others think, and it certainly doesn't sit around wringing their hands abut whether or not people on the right respect or appreciate them. That gives them power to operate with a focus that gets things done. Bad things, mind you, but things none the less"

I am a Yellow Dog Democrat who will never leave the party, but if I had to characterize the pre-Pelosi/Reid Democratic leadership I would just reverse the polarity of each of those sentences. What exactly does the DLC do but sit around wringing their hands worrying about whether the center-right respects them? And "operate with a focus"? From Tammy's mouth to God's ear, but I have not observed it. "Get things done", oh yeah we have just been jamming our policy agendas through the last 11 years.

"Christians are the most persecuted religion in America" "White males are discriminated against more than any other group" "There is an organized attack on celebrating Christmas". You can only wish you were making this up, but you hear it every day from wingnuts.

Posted by: Bruce Webb | Nov 26, 2005 11:07:18 AM

What should Pajamas Media be? Questions of this kind are usually answered before you get $3.5 million in venture capital funding.

Help! I'm having flashbacks to 1999!

Posted by: fiat lux | Nov 26, 2005 11:33:24 AM

So, little-known fact about me -- I spent a big chunk of senior year (2000-2001) running a website called donkeybusiness.com that was basically The Onion for the stock market. (don't try to go there, the site has been abandoned.) OSM looks exactly like the ill-conceived dot-coms that I had so much fun with.

Posted by: Neil the Ethical Werewolf | Nov 26, 2005 5:58:55 PM

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