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September 18, 2005
This Won't Hurt a Bit
Posted by Jedmunds
Doug Lederman of Inside Higher Ed reports that the Department of Defense is enforcing the Solomon Amendment, which bars federal funds to universities who prohibit military recruiting on campuses usually due to enforcing a non-discrimination policy against gays, against New York Law School and possibly two other law schools that are also unaffiliated with larger universities.
Yale Law School, which successfully won an injunction against enforcement of the Solomon amendment in the third circuit will also continue to bar military recruiters from campus, but interestingly, the Department of Defense has indicated no interest in penalizing Harvard who's Law School has also announced it will bar military recruiters, but is not located in the third circuit, and so is still subject to the heavy penalties the Solomon amendment imposes. Because it bans all federal funding except financial aid for students to law schools in violation as well as any DOD funding in terms of grants and contracts to the parent university, the law schools targeted for enforcement will be relatively unaffected by the enforcement. Two of the three law schools had no current federal funds at stake, and I'm unsure abour the third.
I’m not sure if the Department of Defense is just picking on
the little guy here or what. I suppose
the law schools they chose for enforcement probably wouldn’t have standing to
sue for an injunction, since they’re not really losing anything anyway. So nobody really makes a fuss and you’ve got
something symbolic to show “tough” enforcement. Or if on the other hand, they just don’t want to deal with the hassle of
finding someone else to do the research that Harvard would otherwise do for
them. Or even that the research Harvard
does is essential and vital enough to DOD that they aren’t going to let
something as stupid as the Solomon Amendment get in the way of it.
I suppose any number of good reasons can be imagined for not enforcing the Solomon Amendment against Harvard, but I think this ultimately reveals yet another reason that the Solomon amendment in conjunction with the ban on the openly gay serving in the military is ill-conceived. If you can only bring yourself to enforce a law against people who have nothing to lose if you do, then that law needs to be seriously reconsidered.
September 18, 2005 | Permalink
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I'm pretty sure that Connecticut is in the 2nd, not the 3rd Circuit. And of course Cambridge, MA is not in the 2nd circuit, but the 1st.
Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Sep 18, 2005 2:42:26 AM
The bigger issue is why does the left hate the military? I can't see any reason at all not to have recruitment on campus.
Posted by: Fred Jones | Sep 18, 2005 9:47:57 AM
New DOD Policy: "First we kill all the gay lawyers."
Hey Fred, I LOVE the military. Especially the Navy.
Ah yes, give me a man in a sailor suit
and I'll get him out of it!
Posted by: David Ehrenstein | Sep 18, 2005 1:13:11 PM
The bigger issue is why does the left hate the military? I can't see any reason at all not to have recruitment on campus.
Ah, Mr. Jones opens with a classic Republican lie.
Most campuses have a non-discrimination policy which they require employers to sign before they're allowed to recruit on campus. That policy typically extends to equal treatment of students, regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation. The military wants an exemption because they're the military and teh gayz 'r' bad except when you need to draft 'em. The relevant campuses refused to treat the military differently from the rest of the employers who want to recruit on campus. So it's not about the left hating the military. It's about the military hating teh gay and the campuses treating the military like everyone else.
Posted by: paperwight | Sep 18, 2005 4:13:11 PM
You forgot about the part where there are differences of opinions on homos and the schools were enforcing, not a law, but their own promulgated rules. It is not unlawful discrimination in the military.
Let 'em do without. Fuck 'em. Who here believes that Yale and Harvard need federal funds anyway?
Posted by: Fred Jones | Sep 18, 2005 5:41:19 PM
Who believes we need police and firemen anyway. Right Fred? We've simply GOT to get the Feds out of lives.
Posted by: David Ehrenstein | Sep 18, 2005 8:51:34 PM
You forgot about the part where there are differences of opinions on homos and the schools were enforcing, not a law, but their own promulgated rules. It is not unlawful discrimination in the military.
The use of "homos" tells one about all one needs to know about Mr. Jones, and of course, his insistence that the military get special treatment from these schools who are treating the military just as they treat every other employer. There are differences of opinions about black folks too, and Mr. Jones may not admit that he holds those "different" opinions, but he sure uses the same language regarding the "homos".
He sure degenerated into name-calling quickly, didn't he?
Posted by: paperwight | Sep 18, 2005 9:58:21 PM
the miliatry is not "just another employer". They are the force that keeps us all safe. Even the law knows they are special. No one can sue the military for deliberately putting troops in harms way. You cannot just "quit" the military.
but he sure uses the same language regarding the "homos".
Allowing a psudo-minority that has no legal standing as a special and protected group to define the language is bogus. It is another attempt at control through Political Correctness.
Sorry, Charlie. *I* define the language. If I choose to call those in this group homos, a logical name since it is short for 'homosexuals'.........tough.
Posted by: Fred Jones | Sep 19, 2005 8:50:26 AM
Mr. Jones just keeps digging a deeper hole, doesn't he? Sad, really. Why won't those homos just go away? Why do they have to want to be treated just like everyone else? Why won't they just stay in their place?
Dang, where have we heard that before?
Posted by: paperwight | Sep 19, 2005 10:22:10 AM
Private universities have every right to refuse military recruiters. And the Feds have every right to ban federal spending on said recruiters. It is, after all, the law.
But as Jedmunds points out, it sure is, after all, a fucking stupid law. The federal government is once again discriminating on sexual preference. Remove the discrimination, and we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Posted by: Adrock | Sep 19, 2005 3:51:51 PM
Since you didn't really *get it* the first time, here is the best part again.....
...a psudo-minority that has no legal standing as a special and protected group...
Posted by: Fred Jones | Sep 20, 2005 10:21:37 AM
You mean like "Conservatives," Fred.
Posted by: David Ehrenstein | Sep 20, 2005 11:20:51 AM
What the God-damned worthless faggot / slut whore retards of the world lack the mental faculties to realize is that the military performs an invaluable social function. Such concepts as honor, duty, and God are not foreign to it.
Faggots, in contrast, perform no socially useful function. Indeed, they are not capable of it because they are filthy and disgusting animals who deserve to be eliminated. THAT is the Law; not the pretense of those worthless God-damned bullshit pretenders at yale.
However, I will say that the military really needs to do a better job of protecting America from its domestic enemies.
Posted by: Sam Jew | Oct 11, 2006 5:51:21 PM
What the God-damned worthless faggot / slut whore retards of the world lack the mental faculties to realize is that the military performs an invaluable social function. Such concepts as honor, duty, and God are not foreign to it.
Faggots, in contrast, perform no socially useful function. Indeed, they are not capable of it because they are filthy and disgusting animals who deserve to be eliminated. THAT is the Law; not the pretense of those worthless God-damned bullshit pretenders at yale.
However, I will say that the military really needs to do a better job of protecting America from its domestic enemies.
Posted by: Sam Jew | Oct 11, 2006 5:51:22 PM
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Posted by: ginny | Jun 12, 2007 3:49:13 AM
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