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May 06, 2005

Crying Wolf

In Krugman's otherwise good article on bargaining for pharmaceuticals, he makes a really poor argument on a really important point:

Needless to say, apologists for the law insist that the prohibition on price negotiations had nothing to do with catering to special interests - that it was a matter of principle, of preserving incentives to innovate. How can we refute this defense?

One way is to challenge claims that the pharmaceutical industry needs high prices to innovate. In her book "The Truth About the Drug Companies," Marcia Angell, the former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, shows convincingly that drug companies spend far more on marketing than they do on research - and that much of the marketing is designed to sell "me, too" drugs, which are no better than the cheaper drugs they replace. It should be possible to pay less for medicine, yet encourage more real innovation.

Sigh.  That's not an important comparison, though.  The drug companies are saying reimportation from Canada will make new, expensive drugs less profitable to produce and thus diminish the incentive to produce them.  Whether or not they break the bank on marketing isn't really an issue here.  Here's what is an issue: drug company R&D is rarely spent on the life-saving, critical medicines that we imagine. 

Much of it goes towards "me-too" drugs, slight variations of popular, existing medications that don't increase their effectiveness at all, but allow drug companies to evade their competitors patents while still using their competitor's latest innovations.  So assume one company brings out a new, powerful, statin drug.  The others will rush it back to the labs, figure out how to change a few molecules in order to call it to evade the patent while retaining the effect, put it in for testing and, so long as it works better than the placebo, the FDA will approve it.  That, of course, is where the marketing comes in.  Since they've all got the same drugs -- and if R&D were truly on such shaky grounds, this would be the problem, not drug reimportation -- they have to use advertising strategies to get a leg up in the market. 

In addition, most of the research is done on the same few ailments, particularly those that offer high profits.  Now, that's often positive -- our society is better off with blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis medications.  But you're seeing enormous redundancies at work, and it's much to the detriment of rarer, tough illnesses.

Beyond that, a vast amount of this research actually takes place in the hated public sector.  The federal government funds 36% of all U.S medical research.  In fact, of the 21 most important drugs introduced between 1965 and 1992, 15 were developed using taxpayer research.  A study done in 1990 looked at 32 drugs on the market and found that 60% wouldn't have been created without federally funded research.

So what we're seeing here are dual subsidies.  When the NIH discovers a drug, as they did with the cancer drug Taxol, they license it to drug companies at an absurdly low cost.  Bristol-Meyers Squibb is currently the proud owner of Taxol, they sell it for $20,000 when it only costs $1,000 to manufacture, and the NIH gets .5% of the royalties.  So taxpayer research ends up enriching the drug companies.  And then, because without shame you can do thing likes this, the drug companies demand that we don't switch to a Canadian system of bargaining in order to get lower prices.  So we don't, and we keep getting robbed while Canada and all other countries with sane health care systems by their drugs for a fraction of our price.  Brilliant.

And none of this even notes that drug company hyperbole has been tested before, and always proved a lie.  In 84, Congress passed the Waxman-Hatch Act, which increased the availability of generic drugs and created more competition for the brand names.  The drug industry said domestic R&D would grind to a halt.  IN fact, over the next five years, drug company R%D more than doubled, from 4.1 billion to 8.4 billion.  Then, in 1990, Congress created the Medicaid drug rebate forcing pharmaceutical companies to sell at reduced cost to Medicaid. Again, same sky-is-falling rhetoric from the drug companies.  But this time, rather than R&D doubling in the next five years, it tripled in the next eight, from $8.4 billion in 1990 to $24 billion in 1998. These companies are crying wolf, and it's time we stopped believing them.

May 6, 2005 in Health and Medicine | Permalink


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Tracked on May 6, 2005 4:09:17 PM


Are your numbers adjusted for inflation?

Posted by: Andrew Cory | May 6, 2005 12:36:44 PM

Nope. But did inflation make an $8.4 billion investment into a $24 billion investment in 8 years? And hell, I thought all R&D was going to stop because it was no longer profitable, not rise way faster than inflation...

Posted by: Ezra | May 6, 2005 12:43:32 PM

"The others will rush it back to the labs, figure out how to change a few molecules in order to call it to evade the patent while retaining the effect"
Atoms, not molecules- the drug is a single molecule (usually), you change atoms within the molecule to break the patent.

Posted by: SP | May 6, 2005 1:17:24 PM

There is no reason why residents of the US should allow drug companies to charge less for a drug in some other country - except where poverty demands we give special consideration.

On the other point, the private sector will not solve the problem of putting funding into the most benefial drugs versus the most profitable looking investments - how could they? This is the essential and fundamental role of public funding.

Posted by: George | May 6, 2005 3:42:53 PM

George hits the nail on the head here:

"On the other point, the private sector will not solve the problem of putting funding into the most benefial drugs versus the most profitable looking investments - how could they? This is the essential and fundamental role of public funding."

And that's why we end up with four drugs to treat erectile dysfunction and shortages of cheap, effective and necessary vaccines.

Posted by: Lewis Carroll | May 6, 2005 4:36:12 PM

A couple of mistakes you made in this post, not necessarily that your conclusions were wrong, but the data you quote doesn't support them.

You said "15 were developed using taxpayer research"

The article you linked to said "15 were developed using knowledge and techniques from federally funded research"

The two lines don't mean the same thing at all. To evaluate this properly, we would need to know how signifigant the amount knowledge and techniques used in those drugs from government funded research was compared to the private research on those drugs.

The same is true of the 60% figure you cite.

I am certainly willing to discuss greater reimbursement to the NIH for successful drugs they help develop. However, the entire purpose of the NIH is to provide funding that wouldn't exist otherwise, because it is not deemed profitable. Demanding then, or even expecting, that this research generate profits seems foolish.

As you point out, how much a drug company spends on R&D isn't relevant to the question of whether socialized price controls on drugs would reduce private sector R&D. Similarly, the amount of money government spends on R&D isn't relevant to that question either.

It is also probably fair to note that the availibity of generic drugs, while it didn't reduce R&D spending, probably did contribute to the "me-too" drug research you decry.

A better way to analyze this question would seem to be how successful foreign drug companies that primarily have to deal within a price control environment are at researching new drugs. I suspect this is impossible to do however, because of the nature of the global economy and the fact that the U.S. ends up paying for a lion's share of the world's drug costs (since most other major markets, as you note, have more socialized programs.)

I could perhaps be persuaded to support a global negotiating scheme, where all of the countries agreed to respect a patent and would negotiate with a drug company on the 'average' price of the drug. Then the countries could dicker amoung themselve which, if any, got a price break and which would pay more. The key would be, that if the world countries didn't like the price the drug companies were willing to offer, they could choose not to purchase the drug at all, rather than the current system where they 'negotiate' be threatening to produce the drug on their own, regardless of patent rights.

Posted by: Dave Justus | May 6, 2005 6:46:02 PM

There's also a moral issue I seldom see discussed. If pharma companies were telling the truth (which they're not), and the key revenue stream in developing a new drug was the profit that was drilled back into vital R&D, then we'd have a situation in which today's sick people are bearing the full economic burden of developing tomorrow's drugs. That's kind of fucked up. I mean, they're probably the group least likely to benefit from these future drugs (as sick people tend to drop dead a lot, making future drugs rather inaccesible on account of their being dead), but they're the ones who, according to the drug manufacturers' view of the universe, should be responsible for making the investment in developing the drugs they won't live to see.

I figure sick people got enough burdens to bear, and it's rather obscene to expect that a guy dying of cancer should also be responsible for funding the cure to AIDS. Society as a whole will benefit, therefore we all should pay.

Funny that no one ever asks drug companies about the inherent moral problem of funding innovation on the backs of those who likely won't live to enjoy it. wonder what they'd say...

Posted by: theorajones | May 6, 2005 11:25:58 PM

And what of those who note we've lots of sick people in our "modern" society. Processed foods, air pollution, new chemical compounds proliferating everywhere, cancer stats going insane, lack of make up air in residences, synthetic carpets and clothes, chemical cleaners, air fresheners (there's a bright one), unnatural diet. And we're going to fix this with chemicals (toxins). Maybe we should also consider giving our heads a shake. Anyone ever think we're being asked to buy a pig in a poke (Brooklyn Bridge,pick your own comparo). Just ask how chemo works. Huzzah. And find a nutritionist..lots of luck.

Posted by: opit | May 7, 2005 12:16:23 AM

One area of research that isn't being addressed nearly enough is new antibiotics and methods to fight antibiotic resistance. I just lost an otherwise healthy aunt to antibiotic-resistant pneumonia. I work in the field of organic synthesis and I don't see that much being done to figure out how to kill bacteria more effectively. Guess it isn't a "high-dollar value" area of research.... certainly will make less profits than figuring out how to give a man a remote-control-like experience over his penis. , . Sheesh

Posted by: BlazingDragon | May 7, 2005 2:36:31 AM

"I work in the field of organic synthesis and I don't see that much being done to figure out how to kill bacteria more effectively. Guess it isn't a "high-dollar value" area of research.... certainly will make less profits than figuring out how to give a man a remote-control-like experience over his penis."

Right on BD. Things like vaccines and antibiotics aren't chronic use medications, so the potential for a river of ongoing profits from them just isn't there; hence, shortages and little innovation in the area. Probably what cell phone technology would be like if the telecoms couldn't look forward to monthly user fees.

Now, pain management, erectile dysfunction, diabetic management and psychotrophics on the other hand...

Posted by: Lewis Carroll | May 7, 2005 10:59:25 AM

Well, antibiotics are looking to be a chronic field if something isn't done soon. I just went to my aunt's funeral today.
I honestly feel sorry for men who have true blood flow issues such that they have trouble getting an erection, but, let's face it, most ED drugs are prescribed because the men involved need a psychological boost, not a physical one. Sort of like big SUVs {penis extenders). Sigh.

Posted by: BlazingDragon | May 7, 2005 9:37:10 PM

Point well taken BD, as we just finished our third course of antibiotics for my three year old daughter in the past four months. And my 71 year old father was hospitalized with pneumonia last year.

Sorry about your aunt.

Posted by: Lewis Carroll | May 7, 2005 11:36:13 PM

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Posted by: nodo | Jun 12, 2007 4:24:15 AM

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